Today, a seven-month pregnant mother and her 5-year old son, died of hunger
Today, a seven-month pregnant mother and her 5-year old son, died of hunger, in Makassar, the capital city of South Sulawesi. A television station aired the tragedy, seconds before continued its attack on public with a series of luxurious products commercials, before the audience switched to yellow programs that sell dreams and creams, and before everybody slipped back into their own personal businesses. Everything is back to normal by the time the nation started its Saturday evening routines. Because it's a personal tragedy of a pedicab drivers's family, not a tragedy for the nation; because it's a private matter, beyond State's responsibility and intervention; because it's simply a human tragedy, and has nothing to do with markets. That's what neoliberalism is all about.
Today, a seven-month pregnant mother and her 5-year old son, died of hunger, in Makassar, the capital city of South Sulawesi. A television station aired the tragedy, seconds before continued its attack on public with a series of luxurious products commercials, before the audience switched to yellow programs that sell dreams and creams, and before everybody slipped back into their own personal businesses. Everything is back to normal by the time the nation started its Saturday evening routines. Because it's a personal tragedy of a pedicab drivers's family, not a tragedy for the nation; because it's a private matter, beyond State's responsibility and intervention; because it's simply a human tragedy, and has nothing to do with markets. That's what neoliberalism is all about.
I totally agree with your opinion, but disagree with Mr Gumilar's opinion broadcasted this morning at Green Radio/KBR 68 H; March 4, 2008; 08.25 AM.
Eko Harry Susanto
wah, pak dedy sekarang lagi concern dgn masalah neoliberalisme, ya? lalu, pak, kalau sebagai orang awam gini. apa yang harus saya lakukan ya pak?
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